8 results for group: management
Clare D’Onofrio
As a friend and committee member of Friends Helping Sick Kids I am truly honoured and humbled by the opportunity to help raise money to such a worthy cause. I am very proud to be a member of a committee that is so dedicated and committed to supporting Leukemia research at Toronto’s hospital for Sick Children.
Tracy Piro
The Friends Helping Sick Kids disco party is an amazing event to raise money for children with cancer and to remind us that research is the key to end this disease. I am honoured to be part of this foundation. My wish is that one day this disease will be a thing of the past.
Victoria Nalli
It’s the most satisfying feeling knowing that we help save lives of children and that we will continue to do so with the funds we raise in the future.
Tina Prevedel
It is an honour to be part of this dedicated committee of Friends Helping Sick Kids, and being part of a team who strives towards their goal of conquering cancer and saving children's lives.
Lisa Ascione
I am honoured to be a part of the Friends Helping Sick Kids committee. Together with the support of our contributors we can bring hope to parents and improve the health and wellness of all children.
Martina Damiano
As as mother of a young cancer survivor, my wish is to make research more effective, improve survival outcomes and ensure that children and their families receive the highest quality of care available worldwide.
Frank Damiano
I made a personal plea to raise the necessary funds to help improve the life of children diagnosed with Leukemia. With the help of Sick Children's Hospital, the Miracle granted to my son Antonio can be possible for others as well.